Finding a Rental in Charleston South Carolina

Wow, what a crazy Spring! We've got a booming market in Charleston, making it nearly impossible for anyone to find a rental, and if they do, to prevent paying a premium.Good News! If you are in the market for a rental property in the Charleston area, we are here to help. Frustrated about callbacks, trying to figure out what's available and places renting before you even have a chance to see them? Let us help you!Here are some tips:* Have your rental application completed before you go. (Hint: Print one from the Rentals page.) You're going to have to fill one out eventually, anyway, right? Try not to leave any blanks on your application. While other interested renters are still thumbing through their phones and shuffling papers for references phone numbers and other required information you'll be smiling because your application is submitted and you're ahead of the pack.* If you have pets, be prepared to provide shot records and even pet references in case they are needed. Not all property managers/owners require them, but it is better to be prepared! Rental properties accepting pets are becoming rarer, so if you have a pet, you've really got to be on the ball!* Be prepared to pay the application fee and security deposit immediately. In this market, even a short delay could cost you that fantastic rental! Come prepared!* When you see a rental that you like, act fast!* One call to us can save you multiple phone calls and free up your valuable time. Let us help you find your rental apartment or home.


Granville's Grocery in Wagener Terrace


23 Million Dollars for Historic Sword Gate House