Welcome to the neighborhood

A new neighborhood resident and friend wrote the following observations about Cannoborough Elliotborough:Houses on Spring St. in the Martin Luther King Commercial CorridorSince the end of the 1790’s Cannonborough-Elliotborough have been a thriving and close-knit kind of community. Cannonborough-Elliotborough’s boundaries are the Crosstown to the north, King Street to the east, Bee and Morris Streets to the south, and President Street to the west. Many of the neighborhoods main corridors are grouped in pairs; with Spring and Cannon, Ashley and Rutledge, Bogard and Line, each group having a different development character.The lot sizes in these areas have a wide range throughout the neighborhood. Rutledge and Ashley Avenues, and Spring and Cannon Streets have larger lots. While Rose Lane and Sires Street have very small lots. Corridors with primarily single-style residences have minimal or no front yard setbacks. Whereas corridors with Victorian style houses have larger setbacks. The main home style in the Cannonborough-Elliotborough area is the single house. These homes are on average in the 2,000-3,000 square foot range. The best part about these homes is that they are still a vital part of Charleston’s history and still manage to have the same ornate patterns as the houses do by the Battery. They are mostly wood frame construction, with typical materials and details such as: Gabled standing seam roofs, six or two life sash windows, front porches or double sided piazzas, turned balusters and columns, simple molding profiles and castings, wood panel doors with a transom and hood above.However, with this close-knit community and beautifully crafted homes, the Borough’s are still missing something…Investors? Yes, please. Cannonborough-Elliotborough today and in the immediate future have very promising prospects of becoming the next great investment. The area is starting to see a demand for housing and rental properties with the newly built MUSC buildings and hospital system. These key components and the fact that Charleston has seen a 40% growth in the last 20 years alone should give an investor a warm fuzzy feeling. Since the downturn of the economy property prices have drastically been reduced, and houses are literally sitting empty waiting for someone to come along and “revitalize” them. Is that warm fuzzy feeling getting warmer? Get this, in just the last few years residents have formed a neighborhood organization called the “Cannonborough-Elliotborough Neighborhood Association.” They typically meet the third Monday every month, at 6:30 pm, at 68 Spring Street, which is the Karpeles Musuem. So if you still are not sure about the neighborhood, drop in on one of these meetings and be prepared to be blown away! The chances of you having success in this area finding a home and not a house, making new friends, and finding that perfect restaurant to always eat at, well in my opinion are in essence 100%. So next time you are around our area, please don’t hesitate to drop by and say hello to the many neighbors living around here.Warmest Regards,Bird


Todd St. Onge's TEC goes MODERN on upper King


books herbs and spices an elliotborough business profile