Bacon, Lettuce and Spoleto

Spoleto and Piccolo Festivals began Saturday in Charleston Sc and I am a little behind on joining the festivities.  Here is my list of event picks this week:Visual Art:  June 2,  103 Spring St.  6-9pm “Anger and Politics” at Eye Level Art . Let the “never talk politics” social advice go out the window and come for a surely heated panel discussion and debate about the anger that has become synonymous with contemporary politics, surrounded by art that explores just that!fletcher crossman's exhibit of paintings discussed by national mediatorMusic:  June 4th at 9pm College of Charleston Cistern Yard.  Fabian Cozza Afro-Brazilian singer compared to the great samba interpreters.  $25Fabiana Cozza debuts Afro-Brazilian singer Spoleto USANext weekMUSIC:  June 11th- : “Julian Lage.” 5pm Simons Center at CofC.  Jazz guitar this Grammy-nominated guitarist is not to be missed $30Spoleto Jazz Guitar Julian LageDance Gisele:  National Ballet of Georgia presents the epitome of the romantic ballet Gaillard Auditorium Saturday 2pm.  $45Georgia National Ballet performs GiselleJune 13th-Spoleto Finale at Middleton Place.  The Carolina Chocolate Drops fiddle and banjo trio $30Carolina Chocolate Drops perform Spoleto USA Charleston Sc


...and Pazzo Tomato?!


Dellz Deli on Cannon St is a vegetarians dream come true (and everyone elses too!)